Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Why starting to save early and saving enough is the only way to achieve financial independence

Many people ask for different kinds of financial advice. Sometimes, it is about inputs: ‘I have a certain amount of money. What should I do with it?’ Sometimes it is about outputs: ‘I need a certain amount in five years. So what do I need to do to ensure that this happens?’ Sometimes it combines both. 

All these entail well-established and sensible ways of finding solutions. However, there’s one request that is really hard to respond to, and this has to do with financial independence. It may appear to be a vague term, but signifies roughly similar things to different people. This is not having to worry about money, ever. 

It is a common enough dream. Since the daily grind of earning dominates our lives, a permanent relief from this is the freedom that most of us desire. Of course, there are many degrees of financial freedom, and the highest is not having to work to earn for the rest of your life. 

Then again, there are many who do not have to work. There are those with large inheritances, and those whose burden we taxpayers are committed to carrying all our lives. However, it takes most of us our entire working lives to reach that stage, if at all we reach it. 

The fact is that if we save and invest with a modicum of planning, lesser degrees of financial freedom can be achieved earlier in life, and can be just as rewarding. For salaried people, achieving even a mild degree of financial freedom early in life is more important now than it was a decade or two ago. India is clearly passing through a job crisis. There are a number of people among the urban middle-class, who have suddenly lost their jobs. Youngsters are finding it difficult to find jobs, or are forced to accept low-quality employment. Middle-level executives are being shunted out of employment because employers think they can be replaced at a lower cost. 

This widespread crisis in personal financial confidence is different from the way things were a few years ago. Most salaried people were confident in their jobs and sure of frequent increments, either in their current jobs, or better ones. They may not have had actual financial freedom, but effectively felt like they did. One can’t really say when the employment situation will change for the better. 

However, those of us who change their attitude towards money, savings and personal finance will be much happier, and will be able to deal with this new, uncertain world much more easily. While these job-related problems continue, the only people who are relaxed and not stressed are the ones who have enough savings. Unfortunately, the proportion of younger earners in their 20s and 30 who save, is quite low. In fact, the young generation is almost uniformly dedicated to negative savings. As soon as people start earning, they take on loan EMIs, essentially spending future savings today. 

This sounds like the same crusty advice that older people always give to the young, but it happens to be true. Whether the job environment improves or not, saving as much as possible at the beginning of one’s career immeasurably improves one’s happiness levels later. Today, those who have savings that are equivalent to even a year or two’s expenses (including any loan EMIs) feel much more relaxed about their careers. 

Not just that, I’ve seen that those who have achieved even this financial security are able to negotiate in their employment better than those who cannot take any risks. 

This is actually as close to financial independence as most of us can get. It sounds like an obvious thing, but the first step to garner enough savings is to save, and the second step is to save enough. Unfortunately, many of us don’t get started for years after we start earning. Given the hyper-persuasive consumerist culture that surrounds us, it’s not easy to start—and there’s no other way to achieve financial independence. 

......ET Wealth

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