Is it a good time to enter the market?
Over the last 2-3 years, there has been lack of clarity on where we are in the economic cycle. There is confusion on interest rate trajectory, sustainability of GDP growth after demonetisation and GST, and more. My sense is that finally we will see a phase of economic expansion. The recent actions of the government and the RBI will precipitate this scenario. RBI has changed its stance and reset inflation expectations, while the government is in expansionary mode given it is election year. The scenario for banks is also improving, as is the trajectory for corporate earnings. For investors, it is a good time to start building a portfolio as the broad markets have corrected dramatically. The pull-back in small and mid-caps has not been led by fundamentals. Clearly, there is value emerging in this space.
How will your concentrated investing style in funds play out in the current scenario?
We have 20-25 stocks on an average across funds. When you cross 15-20 holdings, it doesn’t add any diversification benefit to the portfolio. It doesn’t add to risk; it is more about having conviction in your bets rather than having positions that do not materially contribute to the portfolio. Even if there are 50-60 stocks in a fund, the top 20 stocks would end up forming 60-70% of the portfolio. The last 10-15 stocks are not likely to comprise more than 1-2% and won’t add to returns.
Are you investing aggressively in mid- and small-caps?
We have ramped up exposure to mid-caps in our multi-cap fund. In our portfolio management services business, almost half the assets across strategies are deployed in this segment. In our Wealth Creation study, we have found that over a five-year period, there is a high probability of crossover from mid-caps to large-caps. In India, some brand leaders are from the mid-cap segment. In the mid- and small-cap space, both gains and losses can be exaggerated. People should avoid falling in or out of love with a particular segment. Over five years, the probability of mid-caps outperforming is significant. Considering the 1-year rolling return of mid-cap index versus Nifty in the last 15-20 years, the midcap index has beaten Nifty by 4% on average. Today, the mid-cap index is more than 20% behind Nifty.
I don’t agree the industry is profitable today on account of its large retail base. The industry asset base has expanded because it has delivered healthy returns—there has been an appreciation in the fund NAVs. Getting retail business is very expensive. If somebody puts in Rs 3,000 in SIPs, in a year he would be investing Rs 36,000.
Do you know what is the cost of procuring and processing this Rs 36,000? When a SIP is registered, it costs money to pay the payment gateway and the bank for registering it. For every SIP amount to be debited, we have to pay the bank. We are also paying platforms like NSE or MF Utility, apart from the registrar and transfer agents. Effectively, the cost of processing the SIP itself is around Rs 75-100 per year for the AMC. On an average asset base of Rs 18,000 for the year, the AMC will charge a TER of 2%. Out of this Rs 360, Rs 100 will be the recurring cost of registering and processing instalments, Rs 180 is the commission for the intermediary. Now the TER has been cut by 15-20%. But associated costs are not going to come down.
So even if the industry has procured two crore SIP in the last couple of years, all those assets are not profitable. If assets appreciate, then it is fine, but if assets depreciate and the cost base keeps going up, then the AMC takes a hit. Passing on the economies of scale to investors is the right thing to do, but my view is that we may have gone a bit too far. It can backfire, particularly as intermediaries also face costs for running their business. They may not feel inclined to serve retail investors if revenues keep falling.
Will the shift to trail-based commission model add to distributors pain?
The shift to trail commission is less of an issue compared to the basic remuneration. It is a cash flow issue—whether it is upfront or trail-based. It should be trail-based so there is no incentive to generate more revenue by generating new sales. It cuts out the incentive for mis-selling. The trail ensures alignment of interest with the investor. If the fund performs, the investor makes money and intermediary gets remunerated. It is a good thing.
The perception around debt funds has soured after recent credit events. Are AMCs geared to provide safety to investors?
The fixed income practice in AMCs has evolved a lot. AMCs have deepened their teams and enhanced capabilities. We should not form an opinion based on stray instances. Extrapolating from that will lead to wrong conclusions. I keep hearing that banks have capital but AMCs are starved of it. Fact is banks are leveraged; we are not.
In the last 2-3 years, interest rates have been low. In a low interest rate environment, when you try to maximise return, you end up taking risks. It is a transient phase and I wouldn’t draw any conclusion from recent episodes. The situation is largely under control. If investors panic in a liquidity related issue, it can become a credit related event. Take help of your adviser and take another look at your debt portfolio. If you hold on, there are higher chances that money will come back. Investors are better off if they stay put. If you react, you will lose money.
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